The Civil Service Exam Scope, Coverage, and Passing Rate in the Philippines

Before taking the Civil Service Examination in the Philippines, it is a must to know what the exam actually is and who does it cater to, what modes of exams are available in taking the test, as well if you’ll either be taking the exams for professional or sub-professional eligibility levels. It is also a must to know the application procedure as well as the civil service exam requirements you will be needing in order to qualify to take the exams.

However, once you’re all set and ready, it is also important to know what you need to study for – what is the civil service exam scope and what the civil service passing rate is. You can’t possibly go into the exam room not studying a thing and expect to pass without even knowing the passing rate.

We want to make sure that you’re all set on the examination day so you can pass the exam in one take, so let’s dive right in.

The Civil Service Exam Scope and Coverage

According to the Civil Service Commission (CSC), the Civil Service Exam covers the following topics for the professional level examination:

a. English and Filipino

i. Vocabulary

ii. Correct usage of grammar

iii. Paragraph organization

iv. Reading comprehension skills

b. Logic

c. Analogy

d. Numerical reasoning

e. Clerical ability and clerical operations

f. General information includes:

i. The Philippine Constitution

ii. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R.A. 6713)

iii. Peace and Human rights concepts and issues

iv. Environment management and protection

For the coverage of the sub-professional exam, all topics mentioned above are included except for Logic and Analogy.

The Civil Service Examination Passing Rate

A civil service passing rate is 80% for all civil service exams, whether for professional or sub-professional irrespective of paper and pencil tests or computerized exams.

So it is important to study extremely well for the exams. That’s why you would need to file your application early on so that you have a lot of time left for you to study.

Make sure to utilize the resources available online and take practice tests so that you can have a general idea of the types of questions that may appear on the test and you can maximize your learning capacity for the Civil Service Exam.

Surely, with a lot of determination and focus, passing the Civil Service Exam will be a cakewalk.

All the best to you!