What Every Licensed Professional Need to Know About PRC’s CPD

Yay! You just passed the board examination of your chosen profession! You are now officially licensed to pursue your practice in the Philippines. Congratulations!

But hold on, it doesn’t stop there.

If you just recently attended your oath-taking ceremony and now have your PRC ID in your hands, that’s not the end of it.

All licensed professionals are required by law to renew their license every 3 years. Moreover, as of R.A. No. 10912, or otherwise known as the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016, all licensed professionals must accumulate the required number of CPD credit units for them to renew their license.

What does that mean exactly? That’s what we’ll be talking about more today.

In this article, we will discuss everything that licensed professionals in the Philippines need to know when it comes to PRC’s CPD program.

What is CPD?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It was defined by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as:

  • An inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills, and ethical values;
  • A post-licensure specialization or in an inter-or multidisciplinary field of study;
  • Assimilation into professional practice, self-directed research, and/or lifelong learning

Why do we need CPD?

Now, the question is, why do we need CPD? Especially how it’s such a relatively recent introduction in the field of professionals here in the Philippines.

According to the PRC, the reason why we need CPD is for the social protection and general welfare of the public. This is promoted by upgrading the practice of all professions in the country and aims to continuously improve the competence of the professionals in the Philippines in accordance with the international standards of each practice.

Other than that, the CPD is meant to:

  • To ensure contribution in uplifting the general welfare, economic growth, and development of the nation;
  • To comply with the MRA requirement anchored on the PQF and AQRF for ASEAN Professionals; and
  • To assure the competencies of the qualification of Filipino professionals vis-a-vis ASEAN counterparts.

It is only necessary to ensure that all professionals in the country are up-to-date with the knowledge and skills related to their profession, that is why the CPD has been declared as a mandatory requirement in the renewal of professional licenses of all professionals under the regulation of the PRC. (Section 10, Article III of RA 10912).

Who will implement the CPD?

The PRC will be responsible for the overall implementation of the CPD program with its CPD Council.

In line with this, the Continuing Professional Development Program Management Committee (CPD-PMC) has been created to propose and manage policies to the PRC for CPD implementation.

To effectively implement CPD across all professions under the PRC

  • The CPD Council was created in each of the regulated professions.
  • Under the supervision of the PRB concerned.

Composition of the CPD Council

  1. Chairperson – member from the PRB; co-terminus with the appointment as PRB unless sooner replaced
  2. First Member – from the APO / AIPO; two (2) years unless sooner replaced Composition of CPD Council
  3. Second Member – from the Academe; two (2) years unless sooner replaced

The CPD Councils shall formulate their own Operational Guidelines through a Resolution of the PRB concerned, subject to the approval of the PRC for its proper implementation.

Respective CPD Council’s Operational Guidelines include (but not limited to) :

  • Date/s of Regular and Special Meeting/s specific to the profession
  • Additional Requirements for Accreditation as CPD Provider and programs specific to the profession
  • Matrix of CPD Activities specific to the profession
  • Maximum Creditable Units under Self-Directed and/or Lifelong Learning Track-specific to the profession
  • Major Areas of CPD Activities specific to the profession
  • Number of CPD credit units (CU) to comply per professional specific to the profession

CPD credit units required per profession upon renewal

Business, Education and Social Cluster

PROFESSION 2017 2018 2019 2020
Accountancy 80 100 120 120
Criminology 13.5 27 45 45
Customs Brokers 0 30 45 45
Guidance and Counseling 13.5 27 45 45
Librarians 13.5 27 45 45
Professional Teachers 15 30 45 45
Psychologist 13.5 27 45 45
Psychometrician 13.5 27 45 45
Real Estate Service
Consultant 45 45 45 45
Appraiser 45 45 45 45
Broker 45 45 45 45
Salesperson 15 15 15 15
Social Worker 15 30 45 45

Engineering Cluster

PROFESSION 2017 2018 2019 2020
Aeronautical 13.5 30 45 45
Agricultural and Biosystems 0 20 45 45
Chemical 13.5 30 45 45
Civil 0 0 45 45
PEE 15 30 45 45
REE 15 30 45 45
RME 10 20 30 30
PECE 13.5 40 60 60
RECE 13.5 30 45 45
ECT 13.5 20 30 30
Geodetic 13.5 27 45 45
PME 13.5 27 45 45
RME 13.5 27 45 45
CPM 13.5 27 45 45
Metallurgical 0 15 30 45
Mining 13.5 27 45 45
Naval Architecture 0 15 30 45
Sanitary 13.5 30 45 45

Health and Allied Cluster

PROFESSION 2017 2018 2019 2020
Dentist 18 14 45 45
Dental Hygienist 18 6 20 20
Dental Technologist 18 6 20 20
60 yrs old & above/PWD 18 6 15 15
Medical Technology
Medical Technologist 13.5 30 45 45
Med. Lab. Technician 13.5 20 30 30
Medicine 13.5 27 45 45
Midwifery 0 15 30 45
Nursing 0 15 30 45
Occupational Therapy 13.5 27 45 45
Optometry 13.5 27 45 45
Pharmacy 15 30 45 45
Physical Therapy 13.5 27 45 45
Radiologic Technology
Rad. Technologist 0 15 45 45
X-ray technician 0 10 30 30
Respiratory Therapy 15 30 45 45
Veterinary Medicine 13.5 27 45 45

Technology Cluster

PROFESSION 2017 2018 2019 2020
Agriculture 13.5 27 45 45
Below 60 yrs. old 13.5 27 45 45
60-69 yrs. old 10.5 21 45 45
70- yrs. old and above
Chemist 0 15 30 45
Chem. Lab. Technician 0 10 20 30
Environmental Planning 15 30 45 45
Fisheries 13.4 27 45 45
Forestry 0 7 22 27
Geology 13.5 27 45 45
Interior Design
Below 60 yrs. old 45 45 45 45
Between 61-71 yrs. old 35 35 35 35
71 yrs. old and above 15 15 15 15
Landscape Architecture 15 30 45 45

How are CPD credit units earned?

CPD credit units can be earned by licensed professionals through the following:

1. Formal Learning

  • Structured and curriculum-based;
  • Takes place in education and training institutions;
  • Leads to diploma and qualifications (e.g. Master’s and Doctoral Degrees Formal Learning);
  • In order to earn CPD credit units, a professional has to apply this activity for credit units under the self-directed learning modality.

2. Non-Formal Learning

  • An addition or alternative to formal learning;
  • May be structured and made more flexible (e.g. Accredited CPD activities including CSR, seminars, conferences, and lectures)

3. Informal Learning

  • Occurs in daily life assessed, through the recognition, validation, and accreditation process, and which can contribute to a qualification.
  • In order to earn CPD credit units, a professional has to apply this activity for credit units under the self-directed learning modality.

4. Self-Directed Learning

  • Learning activities where the Provider of Program did not undergo CPD accreditation but may be applied for and awarded CPD units by the respective CPD Council (e.g. Company-sponsored seminars, non-degree courses);
  • Foreign conferences, lectures, congresses;
  • In order to earn CPD credit units, a professional has to apply this activity for credit units.

5. Online Learning Activities

  • Make use of the internet and other web-based learning activities;
  • The Provider may not be an accredited CPD Provider (needs to be applied under SDL) (e.g. webinars)

6. Professional Work Experience

  • Additional knowledge acquired in the workplace or in the practice of the profession
  • In order to earn CPD credit units, a professional has to apply this activity for credit units under the self-directed learning modality.

7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

For any concerns, you can always contact the PRC through their contact information on their official website.