Psychometrician Licensure Examination: Qualifications, Requirements, and Exam Coverage

Are you a psychology graduate who is now considering taking up the board licensure examination for psychometricians? If that’s your mission, then you’re on the right page.

In this article, we will tell you about everything you need to know when it comes to the psychometrician board exam so that you will be well equipped in determining whether this is the field for you.

What is a Psychometrician?

According to the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), a psychometrician is a professional who has been registered and issued a valid Certificate of Registration and a valid Professional ID Card to practice Psychometrics in the Philippines.

Psychometrics, as described by the PRC, is the branch of psychology that deals with the development, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, and personality traits.

How to be a Psychometrician in the Philippines?

Many ask ‘who can take the psychometrician board exam?’ so we have detailed the following qualifications to help you understand who can become a psychometrician in the Philippines.

  • Applicant must be a Filipino citizen, a permanent resident, or a citizen of a foreign state/country which extends reciprocity to the Philippines relative to the practice of the profession;
  • Applicant must have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Many colleges and universities in the country offer 4-year college courses in Psychology.

If you have determined that you are qualified, you will need to take the Psychometrician Licensure Examination to be able to practice your profession.

According to the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 (R.A. 10029), any individual who wants to become a psychometrician in the Philippines must first pass the board licensure examination conducted by the PRC.

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is the commission responsible for conducting board licensure examinations all over the country. Other than the board examination for psychometricians, the PRC also conducts licensure examinations for aspiring psychologists, pharmacists, engineers, real estate consultants, and many more.

Psychometrician Board Exam Requirements 2021

Listed below are the Psychometrician Board Exam 2021 requirements that you will need to prepare when filing your exam application.

1. NSO birth certificate

This is to verify the applicant’s Filipino citizenship.

2. An original and certified true copy of your Transcript of Records

Request that your registrar provides you with a TOR with your picture printed on it for board exam purposes. The Special Order number should also be printed on the TOR. If your school is exempt from issuing SO numbers, you must obtain the Certificate of Authentication and Validation from CHED from your registrar. This is used to demonstrate that the candidate has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

3. Original and photocopy of NBI clearance

This is to demonstrate that the applicant was never convicted of a moral turpitude offense.

4. Three (3) notarized certificates of moral character

Preferably from your employer, school, church leader, and barangay captain.

5. Two colored passport photos with a white background and a name tag

Make sure that your passport photos meet the criteria mentioned above or else your application will not be accepted upon filing.

6. Cedula

Make sure that the year on your Cedula is the same as when you are filing your exam application to the PRC.

Psychometrician Licensure Exam Application Process

The data structure for all licensing exams is simplified by the PRC LERIS system. The PRC advises that applicants confirm their appointments through the PRC LERIS website before sending the paperwork requirements to a Regional or PRC Satellite Office of their choice.

If you don’t know where to begin, our step-by-step process will help you schedule a date for the appointment you want to execute – or if you already have a clear understanding of the protocol, head directly to the PRC LERIS website to launch the application.

Psychometrician Board Exam Coverage 2021

The Psychometrician Licensure Examination has a total of four (4) subjects as part of the Psychometrician Board Exam 2021 Coverage: Theories of Personality (100 items), Abnormal Psychology (100 items), Psychological Assessment (150 items)We will tackle each one and determine what you need to study.

Theories of Personality – 20%

Theories of Personality consists of 100 items and will take up 20% of your final score.

In this subject, your knowledge regarding the various personality theories will be tested. So make sure that you are well familiar with the theories and are able to differentiate all the theories and their respective proponents. For example, Sigmund Freud (Psychoanalysis), Carl Jung (Analytical Psychology), Alfred Adler (Individual Psychology, and so many others.

Questions regarding Sikolohiyang Pilipino will also show up here, so make sure to review that as well.

Abnormal Psychology – 20%

Abnormal Psychology consists of 100 items as well and will also take up 20% of your final score.

To pass this subject in the board exams, you must know the different psychological disorders by heart – mood disorders, personality disorders, etc. Focus on reading Abnormal Psychology books as well as the DSM-5 to get full diagnostic criteria for each disorder.

Psychological Assessment – 40%

Psychological Assessment is doubled with a grade of 40% compared to the other subjects with only 20%. This is because your knowledge when it comes to psychological testing will be the most profound in your career as a psychometrician.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with validity and reliability, as well as the various psychological tests available.

Also, read through and familiarize the Code of Ethics for Psychometricians. How you will behave as a professional will also be measured here.

Industrial/Organizational Psychology – 20%

Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology consists of 100 items as well and will also take up 20% of your final score.

Make sure you are familiar with the different motivation theories when it comes to the workplace setting. Your knowledge of these topics will be tested. Also, take note: for the past 3 years, many examinees have spoken out that this has been the most difficult of all subjects during the board exam, so don’t take it lightly.

Remember, to pass the Psychometrician Licensure Exam, a candidate must have obtained a general average of at least 75%, with a rating no lower than 60% in any given subject.

If you think that being a psychometrician is the career for you then you should read more about the requirements and application procedure.

Psychometrician Board Exam 2021

According to the PRC, the Psychometrician Board Examinations are usually conducted by the Board at least once a year.

The next Psychometrician licensure exam will take place on August 1st and 2nd, 2021. The application period will begin on May 3, 2021, with the application deadline on July 1, 2021.

The complete schedule for all licensure exams can be found right here. The calendar indicates when submissions for the Psychometrician Board Exam are open and when they are due.

If you have any questions or issues concerning the license examination, particularly in view of the pandemic implications, you can always visit the Professional Regulation Commission’s official website for the most up-to-date details and updates.